Mar 3, 2013

How do I send and receive Business Email on my Android?

How do I send and receive Business Email on my Android?

Note: These instructions should be used only as a guideline. Steps may vary depending on device and version. Consult manufacturer or service provider for specific instructions.
For checking email on mobile devices, we recommend that you use IMAP. If you are unable to use IMAP, follow the steps below to set up POP:
  1. On your Android's home screen, select Apps. Android Apps Selection
    Android Apps Selection
  2. On the Apps screen, select your device's native Email application.
  3. Android Email Button
    Android Email Button
  4. If you do not have another account configured already, you will be prompted to enter your username and password, then select Manual setup. Keep in mind that your username is your full business email address, for example "". Android Email Set Up: Username and Password
    Android Email Set Up: Username and Password
    If you have already configured an email account, go to Menu on your device and select Settings. In the upper right hand corner you should have the option to Add Account, select this option. Android Email Add Account Link
    Android Email Add Account Link
  5. Select the POP option. Android Email Set Up: POP3 Button
    Android Email Set Up: POP3 Button
  6. You will be prompted to enter server information, enter the following information:
    • POP3 server:
    • Security type: SSL (Some Android devices will not offer just SSL, if this is the case for your device, select SSL/TLS.)
    • Once you have selected SSL the port should automatically change to 995. If it does not, manually change it.
    Android Email Set Up: Incoming Server Settings
    Android Email Set Up: Incoming Server Settings
  7. Select whether to delete email messages from the Yahoo! server when they are deleted on your Android. Android Email Set Up: Deletion Settings
    Android Email Set Up: Deletion Settings
  8. Press Next. Android Email Set Up: Next Button
    Android Email Set Up: Next Button
  9. You will be prompted to enter your outgoing server settings. Enter the following information:
    • SMTP server:
    • Port: 465
    • Security type: SSL (or SSL/TLS)
    Then press Next. Android Email Set Up: Outgoing Server Settings
    Android Email Set Up: Outgoing Server Settings
  10. Configure your account options including whether the Android will automatically check for new messages and, if so, how frequently. Note: Having your mobile device automatically check for new email may cause errors, or can cause your email account to become temporarily locked. Then press Next. Android Email Set Up: Account Options
    Android Email Set Up: Account Options
  11. Give this account a name (optional) and enter the name you wish to have displayed on outgoing messages. Then press Next. Android Email Set Up: Account Name
    Android Email Set Up: Account Name
  12. Your device will set up the account and begin downloading your new messages.
If you are unable to locate the options mentioned above, we suggest that you contact your device manufacturer for support, as they are the real experts on your Android device.

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